All About Ruben

My Life

Michael JAcknson eating popcorn

I was born in Cape Verde on July 25, 2000. I speak kreole, Portuguese, Spanish, and English.

I came here when I was 11, on November 29, 2011. I Went to the Pyne Arts Magnet School. There I had to learn English for six months before going to mainstream classes with the American kids

Things I Love

bored face

I love swimming. Ever since I started swimming my body felt so good and fit. I did swimming last year but I was realy out of shape and I barelly knew how to swim

I love shoes with a freaking passion. I Came name just about any shoes you show me. I got into shoes because during middle school I wanted to fit in with ther cool kids and all they talked about was shoes, so I did all I could to go and learn about shoes.

Who am I?

Lazy Cat

I am a very fun person. People think im smart, but actually I just learn to obtain information really quick. I'm known to be a funny person because if you're friends with me I'll make you laugh. I am 5'10 and I want to be atleast 6 feet tall.

Contact Us

The underworld.

250 Pawtucket Blvd,

Lowell, MA 01879

Copyright 2015