

When I was eight years old I went to the beach and I would see my sister and her friends all go far into the water and I would have to stay on land. They felt bad, so they decided to teach me how to float on my back. That was the first time I ever learned how to do anything in the water.

Once I came to the U.S I started going to public pools with my friends. I didn't really know how to swim so I wouldnt be allowed to go into the deep end. By myself I finally learned how to swim by myself.

I kept practicing throughout the summer now I'm a really good swimmer. I am on the swim team for my school and my fastest time is about 43 seconds for 50 meters.

Working out

I use to be a big chubby kid and I was always insecure about my body and the other kids would always be making fun of me.

Back in 2013 I did all the research I could do in order for me to start working out. I started lifting weights and doing cardio in my basement.

One I got into high school I still felt like I wasn't fit enough to do any sport so I decided to get a gym membership for my birthday. I went everyday for the whole summer and I became really fit.

Netflix and Youtube

I'm a big youtube fan. Basically most of my day goes to me watching youtube videos. There are just endless choices of videos you can watch and they are all so entertaining.

I also watch netflix all the time. Once I get hooked on a show I have to watch it to the last episode.

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Anytown, OH 43210